Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dream a little dream

I think it's natural for a man to dream that his life can be more than what he has made it. I think it is a good thing to do so, it keeps you wanting more. It keeps you from just "being". One of my greater fears is to simply exist in this world. I wouldn't be surprised to find myself dreaming, not about what if, but what could be at least three times a day. I have that one picture perfect dream of where I want my life to be in 5-10-15years and so on and so on. When my wife and I first married our dream was to be homeowners, to be parents, to travel, to be surrounded by friends and family. So far mission accomplished. As we change with age, so does our thoughts about where we would like to be. This last year has really been a year to put these ideas down on paper and weigh our options about what would be best not only for us anymore but for our two children also. We want to create a life for them full of life experiences, free thought, and hard labor to learn the respect of enjoying what you have earned. My home town of Carroll has been great to us, and we couldn't ask for any better friends and all the love of our family. We dream someday soon to make a life in the country, whether it be close to home or a little further away we both agree that it is a life we want to offer to our children.
While I sit and type this, it's amazing to me the feeling of pure pleasure I get just thinking about it. I see the fruits of my labor now, and I foresee the fruits of the labor my family will have in the future. Now comes the time to put this in motion so I guess this is my first step to get moving and taking the necessary changes in our life to get us where we want to be.
Now.......there is always that what if chance we dream called...the lottery! Hehehehe. I do dream about winning it big just like anybody else that buys a ticket. I don't have a lot of input on this option except for the concept that if I win it, I will take care of my close friends and family and also, there will be a lot of people in a 60 mile radius being told to go fuck themselves!;).
I will finish this post on this note. We dream about change for a reason. It's human nature to know instinctively what is best for yourself. Don't push these thoughts to the back burner, grab them tightly and follow them. I will be the first one to tell you that when looking back on your life it is easier to not say what if when you know you based your decisions on gut instinct. When you attack your life whole heartedly it puts our for you. 2011 there is no hiding, I am coming to get you, with all my will.

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